Archives: Akadémia

Show test

GENERAL DESCRIPTION The following describes in detail how to set up the visibility of a study in Medio and the options available to you...

Laboratory module

GENERAL DESCRIPTION Our renewed lab module makes the management of lab tests more efficient: it allows easy authorisation, pricing, testing and management of lab items...

Calendar block resolution

GENERAL DESCRIPTION Blocking appointments helps to optimise the operation of healthcare facilities by minimising empty periods and making them more efficient...


GENERAL DESCRIPTION The proper management of the workforce is essential for the effective operation of a private healthcare institution. In Medio, you can easily manage exclusions...

Bulk price editing

GENERAL DESCRIPTION Frequent price changes in private medical practices can be a frequent occurrence and can be a significant administrative burden for many...

Preliminary data request

GENERAL DESCRIPTION Advance data requests are becoming increasingly important in healthcare institutions, as they give patients the opportunity to provide their...

Customer satisfaction measurement

GENERAL DESCRIPTION Within the Medio system, we offer the possibility to send out customer satisfaction questionnaires, which help us to assess customer satisfaction with the services provided...

Self check-in system

GENERAL DESCRIPTION For a smooth patient arrival, the self-service system available at Medio allows the patient to make his/her own appointments...

Patient call system

GENERAL DESCRIPTION The medio system provides an opportunity for the arrival of patients to be followed by a modern entry process, thus simplifying the…

Uploading and maintaining price list data (webAPI)

GENERAL DESCRIPTION The mass import of price list data enables examinations and services that complement them, which cannot be booked independently, in a…