
Archives: Akadémia

Customer satisfaction measurement

ÁLTALÁNOS LEÍRÁS A Medio rendszerén belül lehetőséget adunk ügyfélelégedettségi kérdőívek kiküldésére, amely segít felmérni az ügyfelek elégedettségét a nyújtott szolgáltatásokkal…

Self check-in system

ÁLTALÁNOS LEÍRÁS A páciensek gördülékeny érkeztetése érdekében a Medio-nál elérhető önérkeztetési rendszer segítségével a beteg saját maga tudja elvégezni az…

Patient call system

GENERAL DESCRIPTION The medio system provides an opportunity for the arrival of patients to be followed by a modern entry process, thus simplifying the…

Uploading and maintaining price list data (webAPI)

GENERAL DESCRIPTION The mass import of price list data enables examinations and services that complement them, which cannot be booked independently, in a…

Introduction of Digital Signatures

GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Medio system allows you to digitally sign documents using a signature pad. In order to…

How can I cancel my subscription?

GENERAL DESCRIPTION The guide below provides assistance in managing the purchased annual discount card subscription, from entry to cancellation. LOGIN Open the…

Sign up for a Google Play developer account

GENERAL DESCRIPTION This article explains how to create and set up your Play Console developer account. The developer account…

Developer account registration in the Apple App Store for companies

What is it and why do I need it? App Store - Apple's web store for applications is part of the iTunes Store, which is available for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad...

Enable camera and microphone - For video consultation

GENERAL INFORMATION The following descriptions help you to use the Medio video consultation, in which you can find detailed information about the Camera and Microphone...

Using the partner module

GENERAL INFORMATION The Partner module of the Medio system provides the Institution/Clinic with the opportunity to involve partners who, for the services authorized for them...