
How to build efficient patient journeys between private healthcare providers?


For healthcare providers, the efficient design of patient journeys is a fundamental requirement. Optimizing patient care processes, streamlining administrative tasks, and efficient scheduling are all vital to healthcare providers. But in the ever-evolving private healthcare sector, where services are increasingly complex and patient needs are increasingly diverse, the effective design of patient journeys requires much more than just a straight-line relationship between the doctor and the patient.

Our basic questions:

  • How can this critical process be implemented in a way that minimizes bookings burdening the front desk while simplifying complex and lengthy billing?
  • How can the partner network between private healthcare providers be formed in such a way that it is beneficial for all parties?
  • But perhaps the most important question is: how can we integrate these processes while putting patient-centeredness first?

In our case study, we introduce you to this critical area of health care, presenting the emerging issues and potential challenges that today's private health care providers experience on a daily basis. We explore the possibilities of modern technology and innovative approaches and show how patient journeys can be designed efficiently and with maximum empathy, while simultaneously improving the business performance and patient satisfaction of private clinics.

The Medio Digital Clinic handles the deficiencies has put together a complete set of solutions.


Reception overload

The reception of a private clinic is often at the center of communication between patients and providers. Telephone and face-to-face bookings involve a huge amount of administrative burden. The process is not only time-consuming, but contains countless possibilities for error. An overloaded reception desk can clearly reduce customer satisfaction.

  • administrative load: The many phone and personal reservations, appointment changes, and information transfers can accumulate quickly, imposing a huge administrative burden on the reception staff. This not only makes their time management impossible and drains their energy resources, but it can adversely affect the operation of the private clinic at several points.
  • opportunities for error: During the reservation process, receptionists must take many steps, from recording patient information to coordinating doctors and services to operating the payment process. The more steps a process consists of, the more potential for errors, which can lead to complaints or even legal problems.
  • customer dissatisfaction: If the reception desk is overloaded, patients and partners have to wait longer for answers and bookings. This reduces their satisfaction and loyalty, which can damage the reputation and revenue of the business in the long run.

Complications of commission calculation
Commission settlement within the partner network is often a key task for private clinics. Manual commission settlement is not only lengthy and tiring, but it can lead to errors and generate unnecessary discussion. A clear, transparent system is needed to promote mutual trust and business development.

  • manual processes: The manual settlement of commissions is not only time-consuming, but also includes the possibility of inaccuracy and regular mistakes.
  • lack of transparency: Closed, difficult-to-trace commission settlement processes can undermine trust between partners and the private clinic. Lack of transparency can make it difficult to build relationships and long-term cooperation.
  • disputes and communication breakdowns: Unclear commission policies and complex settlement systems can lead to disputes and communication breakdowns. This can have a negative impact not only on partnership relationships, but also on the entire business.

The complexity of partner relationships
Partner networks, especially large and complex systems, also present serious challenges:

  • cooperation management: Maintaining relationships between partners, coordinating services, examinations and appointments can require serious resources. In the absence of effective communication and cooperation, cooperation can be confusing, and the proliferation of booking-related errors is typical.
  • complex structures: Managing a large network of partners can be complicated, especially if the partners operate in different fields or different professions. Balancing relationships with individual partners can be labor- and time-intensive and can be at the expense of strategic growth and development.
  • technological challenges: Lack of technological integration can make booking and communication processes difficult. Unaligned systems can cause compatibility problems.

To deal with the problems that arise we have to use the complex solution system of the Medio Digital Clinic, thus we can achieve a significant reduction in the administrative burden and the pursuit of full transparency.


Online booking system
Modern health care may require efficient and user-friendly booking mechanisms, which simultaneously provide control for providers. Key elements of the online booking system:

  • customization: Service providers can set which partner can book which services and which times. This enables regulation and quality control of services without limiting the autonomy of partners.
  • accessibility and efficiency: The online booking system offers continuous access to partners, so they do not have to call or appear in person. This significantly reduces the time and effort invested in cooperation for both parties.
  • data protection and security: The properly designed online booking system ensures the protection of patient data and complies with data protection regulations.
  • reporting and analysis: Online booking data can help develop business intelligence, enabling performance measurement, trend identification, and continuous process improvement.

Automated commission settlement
Automated commission settlement can be an essential tool for private healthcare providers to simplify their business processes:

  • data recording and tracking: In the automated system, commissions can be recorded immediately and accurately, eliminating manual errors. The entire process can be tracked, which builds trust between partners.
  • financial transparency: Automation supports fast and transparent settlement, reduces the chance of disputes and misunderstandings, and increases the security of compliance with financial institutions and regulators.
  • integration and scalability: The automated system can be easily integrated with existing financial and business systems and scaled to handle the growing number and complexity of partners.

Scalable partnerships
The scalable integration of partners offers the possibility of future growth and expansion:

  • unlimited number of partner integration: The system allows the integration of an unlimited number of partners, which provides flexibility and growth opportunities, without the complexity increasing proportionally to the size.
  • expansion of service portfolio: By integrating several partners, the service provider can expand the range of services and examinations provided, thus further increasing the range of services for its patients.
  • adminisztratív hatékonyság: A rendszerben az adminisztrációs folyamatok automatizálása és a központosítás révén a szolgáltató képes az egyre nagyobb számú partneri kapcsolatokat kezelni anélkül, hogy arányosan nőne az adminisztrációs teher.
  • Az eredmény egy egységes, hatékony és versenyképes üzleti modell, amely folyamatosan képes alkalmazkodni a piaci igényekhez és változásokhoz.

The network model of the future

The solutions presented here outline a new model for private clinics to manage patient journeys and partner networks. Online booking, automated commission settlement and unlimited partner integration not only simplify everyday operations, but also provide a strategic advantage.
The private clinic of the future will be agile, patient-oriented and competitive. By aligning innovation, technology and strategic partnerships, they can achieve significant traffic growth and reduced administrative burden while strengthening brand credibility and commitment to patients.

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