Current bookings


In this menu item, you can view the current bookings for a specific period.

Here you only see future bookings, not past ones. To view them, search for “Overview Calendar” menu item.


If you have several institutions, you can decide here whether you want to view the bookings of the currently selected institution or all the institutions assigned to you.

After selecting the period and the institution(s), this window welcomes you:

By clicking on the "Columns" button, you can control which data about the bookings are visible, those marked in blue will be included in the table, and those marked in red will not.

By clicking the "CSV" or "Excel" button next to "Columns", you can download and export the tables in the given format.



In the "Search" field on the right, you can generally search the data.

You can sort the data in descending/ascending order by clicking on the column names.

And in the box below the columns, you can search within the column, thus filtering the data.

You can change the patient's data by clicking the "Edit" button next to the patient's name.

More about this: "Edit patient"

By clicking on the blue "+" button, you can see more information about the given reservation.

Here, you can edit the patient's data by clicking the "Edit" button.

In addition, you can edit the added comment and the registration number associated with the reservation.

By clicking the "Cancel" button, the cancellation window will pop up:

Here you can choose the reason for cancellation, if the patient cancels his reservation X hours before the reservation time, he must pay Y % of the price of the reservation.

However, if the institution cancels the reservation, the full amount will be returned to the patient.

In addition, you can choose whether the patient will be notified of the cancellation of the reservation.

You can change the date of the reservation with the "Change" button. By clicking on a date using the calendar, this window will open:

Here you can choose whether the change takes place with or without notification to the patient.

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