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Manage the entire operation of your clinic with Medio. Using the MEDIREX module, you can manage your appointments, arrival and reception work, as well as all patient care and billing in one place.
The HIS module complements Medio thanks to our partnership with can be activated with an accredited EESZT connection with a few clicks from the Medio admin interface!
Medical module
Our system makes it easy to prescribe medicines, create specialist recommendations and manage patient data in customisable interfaces. Use custom outpatient sheets and print templates, and generate detailed statistics. Choose MEDIREX and make your daily work even smoother with the following features:
You can prescribe medicines, magistral preparations and medical aids, make specialist recommendations, manage drug allergies and easily browse prescriptions.
- Prescribing medicines, magistral preparations and medical aids, making specialist recommendations
- Browsing and re-prescribing of prescriptions recorded in the system and in EESZT
- Use medication templates and history data to work faster
- Substitution, prescribability information and other OGYEI data on the products
- Treatment of drug allergies

Patient care
- Accredited EESZT contact:
- Capture and manage patient data using customisable interfaces
- associate text and file-based/image material with a patient
- Writing outpatient pages, even using individual interfaces and sections that differ from one specialty to another
- Text test sheet and print templates, multi-language outpatient sheets
- BNO and OENO code management, favourites, default items
- Embed graphic objects (drawings) in a test sheet
- Forwarding outpatient forms by e-mail
- Management of private and social security funded benefits
- Customizable and saveable, reusable queries and statistics for all stored data (including data from individual interfaces).
- Patient care data can be extended to Medio's VIR module for a wide range of analyses
- Price and variable price item management, with multiple VAT keys
- Apply individual and group discounts using beneficiary groups
- Health insurance and company billing support
- Invoices, bills, invoices, invoices in up to 10 languages
- Queries, statistics, accounts (even doctor-based accounts)
- The Medio VIR module can be extended to include billing and revenue data, so that the entire supply can be analysed and detected

Day surgery, inpatient care
- Pre-operative investigations, surgery and management of control presentations together
- Additional master data, admission data, chart data, interventions, diagnoses
- Operating theatre, ward and bed management
- Use of consent forms, surgical notes, final reports and other forms with any structure, including digital signatures
- Use custom fields to track institutional specificities
- private and social security funded benefits
- PACS (Dicom worklist):
MEDIREX makes it easy to add worklist elements to various PACS systems, such as DIVAS PACS, but it is also possible to run a DICOM worklist service installed by us, to which any system can be attached.
Occupational Health
- Maintenance of companies and sites, recording contracts and invoices, assigning jobs to companies
- Monitoring of exposures and necessary tests, periods
- Preliminary and periodic medical examinations, restrictions, medical fitness documents, driving licence medical examinations, fitness validations
- Expiry collections, warnings
- Facilitate controlling and billing by collecting company benefits
- private and social security-funded (occupational health) care
- HR module: a module directly for the HR departments, where they can manage the employees of their respective departments, launch queries, book appointments for aptitude tests. This can be complemented by an automatic reminder system for employees, which will run a reminder 1, 2 or 3 times before the expiry of the eligibility period, with a unique booking link
- Capture a digital cytology sample request directly to the MedServ lab. The results are available in the MEDIREX module.
Gynaecology and Antenatal Care module
- Term recording, follow-up, gynaecological anamnesis management, gynaecological UH data recording
- Cytology sample management, automatic printing of test request forms / digital request submission (MedServ, Synlab), results management, automatic patient notification
The detailed tariffs for all Medio modules are as follows document at available at.
MEDIREX modules | Unit of account | List price |
Patient care | / month / calendar | 9 000 Ft |
Billing module | / month / calendar | 500 Ft |
Stock module | / month / calendar | 500 Ft |
One-day surgery module | / month / cameraman | HUF 1,200 |
Dicom module | / month / modality | 5 000 Ft |
Occupational health module | / month / plant doctor | 900 Ft |
TB module | / month / TBs doctor | 4 500 Ft |
Medserv integration | / lab request | 250 Ft |
Gynaecology module | / month / gynaecologist doctor | 900 Ft |