Part of Medio's digital clinic package are API endpoints with which you can keep your website and the specialty, service, doctor and institutional data in Medio's system constantly synchronized.
To generate the token required to access the API, you must subscribe to the Web API service. The token is issued by page, you can request it by clicking the Generate Token button. In all cases, the token is tied to an institution, so it will only authenticate the given institution. If we want to display the data of several institutions, they must be assigned to the collector institution and a token must be generated for the collector institution. In this case, the answer will return with the data of the institutions assigned to the collector.
Return value:
The API responds to queries in JSON format.
Access to the protected endpoints is possible after successful authentication, which can be achieved with a bearer token or using the token as a query parameter.
- Passing the token to the “Authorization” header, in the following form:
Authorization: Bearer
- With query parameter in the URL:
“token=<rendszer által generált token>"
Return values:
In case of successful authentication, the system returns with an HTTP status of 200.
In case of unsuccessful authentication, the system returns with HTTP status 401.
Query price list
The price list is identified by the token, so all services associated with the used token and its price will appear in the response.
institution_id | number | The institution's unique identifier |
professional_id | number | Unique identifier of the specialty |
Specialization | string | The field of study |
sulo_szolgaltatas_id | number | null | Unique identifier of the parent service |
sulo_service | string | null | Parent service |
service | string | The name of the test |
min_ar | number | The minimum price of the test |
max_ar | number | The maximum price of the test |
type_id | number | Unique identifier of the test type |
type | string | The type of examination |
link | string | Booking link for the test |
Example answer:
{ "institution_id": 20000, "specialty_id": 500000, "szakterulet": "Arteriography", "type_id": 2, "type": "Adult", "link": " on-cege/specializations?qualificationId=90035" }
Doctor list query
Accessing the doctor list "specialist_id" is linked to a parameter, so the list of doctors working in the given specialty can be easily filtered, thus the data can also be easily inserted into the subpage of the given specialty, with up-to-date doctor information.
The field ID can be obtained either from the Medio admin interface or from the price list API.
Thus, the doctor list can be called as follows:
In appropriate cases, a doctor can practice in several institutions, so he can have several uploaded profile pictures in the system. The bearer token identifies the institution, so the API will only contain profile pictures belonging to the queried institution.
institution_id | number | The institution's unique identifier |
name | string | The doctor's name |
profile picture | string | The URL of the doctor's profile picture |
specialist areas | string | Specializations performed by a doctor |
introduction | string | Introduction of the doctor |
spoken languages | string | The doctor's spoken languages |
specializations | string | Doctor's specializations (HTML list) |
studies | string | Doctor's studies (HTML list) |
institution_hatter | string | The doctor's (former) institutions (HTML list) |
members | string | Memberships of the doctor (HTML list) |
calendar_script | string | The doctor's calendar (iframe) |
calendar_script_2 | string | The doctor's calendar (iframe) |
sequence | number | Medical order |
Example answer:
"intezmeny_id": 2000000,
"nev": "Dr. Teszt B\u00e9la",
"profilkep": "https:\/\/\/demo.jpg",
"szakteruletek": "Allergol\u00f3gia, T\u00fcd\u0151gy\u00f3gy\u00e1szat",
"bemutatkozas": "Dr. Teszt B\u00e9la vagyok csod\u00e1latos munk\u00e1t v\u00e9gzek.",
"beszelt_nyelvek": "HU,EN",
"specializaciok": "<ul><li><span style='font-size: 16px'>allergy demo<\/span><\/li><li><span style='font-size: 16px'>\u00a0allergy demo2<\/span><\/li><\/ul><p><br \/><\/p>",
"tanulmanyok": "<ul><li><span style='font-size: 16px;'>Demo school<\/span><\/li><li><span style='font-size: 16px'>Demo 2 schools<\/span><\/li><\/ul><p><br><\/p>",
"intezmenyi_hatter": "<ul><li><span style='font-size: 16px'>Demo institution - Demo doctor<\/span><\/li><li><span style='font-size: 16px'>Demo 2 institutions - Demo doctor 2<\/span><\/li><\/ul><p><br><\/p>",
"tagsagok": "<ul><li><span style='font-size: 16px'>Demo Company<\/span><\/li><\/ul>",
"naptar_script": "<iframe src='https:\/\/\/idopontfoglalas\/doktor24\/ifc2?currentInstitutionId=874&collector=1&doctorId=51619&qualificationId=90035&onlyGrouped=0&showAllSpecialization=1&simpleSelect=1' frameborder='0' width='100%' height='70px' class='medio-ifc2-iframe'><\/iframe><script src='https:\/\/\/static\/iframe\/ifcIframe.js'><\/script>",
"naptar_script_2": "<iframe src='https:\/\/\/idopontfoglalas\/doktor24\/ifc2?currentInstitutionId=874&collector=1&doctorId=51619&qualificationId=90035&onlyGrouped=1&showAllSpecialization=1&simpleSelect=1' frameborder='0' width='100%' height='70px' class='medio-ifc2-iframe'><\/iframe><script src='https:\/\/\/static\/iframe\/ifcIframe.js'><\/script>",
"sorrend": 2
The search API searches for the specified search term, in the name of examinations, in the name of doctors, and among specialties.
The search waits for the search term in the "q" parameter
name | string | The name of the studies that contain the search term |
value | string | The reservation URL of the tests that contain the search term |
Example answer:
{ "name": "Allergological specialist examination", "value": "" }
Query institutions
The institutions API returns a list of institutions identified by the token.
institution_id | number | The unique identifier of the institution belonging to the token |
institution_name | string | The name of the institution belonging to the token |
city | string | The city of the institution belonging to the token |
Example answer:
{ "institution_id": 13, "institution_name": "MediCall Test HU", "varos": "Budapest" }
Inquiry of fields of expertise
The specializations API provides the specializations belonging to the requested institutions as a response.
The institution can be specified using the optional "institution_id" parameter, if not specified, it returns the specialties of all institutions belonging to the token.
institution_id | number | The unique identifier of the requested institution |
professional_id | number | The unique identifier of the listed specialty |
Specialization | string | The name of the specialized field belonging to the requested institution |
type_id | number | Unique identifier of the type for the field of expertise |
type | string | Type of specialty |
link | string | The domain's booking URL |
Example answer:
{ "institution_id": 20000, "specialty_id": 500000, "szakterulet": "Arteriography", "type_id": 2, "type": "Adult", "link": " on-cege/specializations?qualificationId=90035" }